Twenty-one years from his birth, Sean K Hughes, a lone pen-smith/fast gunslinger, battles the hardships of life. With his powerful forces of skill and continuous imagination, he executes everything and anything revolving around creative imagery. In a reality that never feels uninspiring he ventures into a world where life attacks from every angle. A mystery man some might say. A shadow cast in the darkest of shadows. A fighter that never backs down from a really big fight. A battler that battles to that really big fight. a champion that backs down from backing down. An illustration champion capable of blacking out the sun with a fine line marker. He thinks in binary. He listens to static. He challenges the forces of fridge magnets. Green and yellow are the same to him. The current standard periodic table contains 118 elements to date. He is the 119th.
Best. Bio. Ever!
ReplyDeletehahahaha "yellow n green are the same to him" xD killa!!!